Alexandr Oleynichenko

Frontend development Resume

Websites Features

Used Technologies

SPA “Multilingual Library «JBOOK»”

Design, Layout, Angular, Express, MongoDB

Multilingual Library «JBOOK»

Project features

  • Progressive Web Application
  • Angular Universal for search engines
  • Using "Material Design" framework
  • BackEnd with Express + MongoDB

Educational Quizzes “Pumping Tests”

Design, Layout, Express, MongoDB

Educational quizzes “Pumping Tests”

Project features

  • Using "Material Design" framework
  • BackEnd with Node.js + MongoDB
  • Sharing quizz results in 3 social networks
  • Admin panel for quizzes's authors

SPA “English Words Trainer”


English Words Trainer

Project features

  • User registration and authentication with Firebase
  • Material Design components
  • State management with NgRx
  • Markup with angular/flex-layout

SPA “Time Tracker”

Angular 7, Bootstrap 3

Time Tracker

Project features

  • Saving data in Local Storage
  • Independence on page reloading
  • Adding, deleting, pausing functions
  • Edited task name

Single Page Application “Recipe Book”

Angular 7, NGRX, firebase, Bootstrap 3

Recipe Book

Project features

  • User registration and authentication with Firebase
  • Lazy loading modules
  • State management with NgRx
  • Using Firebase SDK

SPA “Fitness Tracker”

Angular 7, NgRx, Angularfire2

Fitness Tracker

Project features

  • Registration and authentication
  • Material Design components
  • Markup with angular/flex-layout
  • Database with angularfire2
  • Firebase hosting

Online Chat

Node,, mustache.js

Online Chat

Project features

  • Using Socket.IO library
  • Ability to share your geolocation
  • Unlimited number of chat rooms
  • No messages raising while reading history
  • Templates with mustache.js

Console Trainer “Typing Practice”

Node, Yargs

Console trainer “Typing Practice”

Project features

  • Adding/deleting words for typing practice
  • Selecting the number of words for the round
  • Tracking progress in each round
  • Saving results to a local file
  • Effective motivation system

Encyclopedia “Alphabet of Faith”


Encyclopedia “Alphabet of Faith”

Project features

  • Analog color scheme
  • Canonical book proportions according Jan Tschichold
  • Grid 8px
  • Made with Adobe XD

Slider with SVG Gradient Background

Javascript, SVG

Slider with SVG background

Project features

  • Changing to vertical state on small screens
  • Moving gradient background
  • Automatic moving to the nearest position
  • "Drag and drop" feature

Online Store “Device”

layout, Design

Online Store “Device”

Project features

  • Design completion to 1200 px
  • Sliders without JavaScript
  • Centered responsive grid on "Catalog" page
  • Pop-ups with static pages for disabled JavaScript
  • Adaptive search form

Browser Game “Pixel-Hunter”


Browser Game “Pixel-Hunter”

Project features

  • Single Page Application
  • Saving last 10 game results
  • MVP pattern
  • Using ES-6

Website “Barbershop Borodinski”


Website “Barbershop Borodinski”

Project features

  • Adaptive images for Retina displays
  • 3 breakpoints
  • Slider without JavaScript
  • BEM-methodology
  • Semantiс HTML markup

Website “Personal Pilates Training”

Design, layout, Php, javascript

Website “Personal Pilates Training”

Project features

  • Adaptive text blocks and images
  • Animated images
  • SVG icons
  • Adaptive feedback form
  • One color tone of the project

API: Organizer “ToDo App”

Node, Express.js, mongoose, jsonwebtoken

ToDo App

Project features

  • User registration and authentication
  • Authorization with JSON Web Tokens
  • MongoDB from Mlab
  • bcryptjs for confidential data
  • Tests with mocha, supertest и expect

API: Website “Daat Agency”

React, Gatsby.js, CSS Animations

ToDo App

Project features

  • Animated titles
  • Smooth appearance
  • Gatsby.js framework
  • Dark/light themes